Teenage son of “The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills” star and Haitian-American actress Garcelle Beauvais and her second ex-husband Michael Nilon, Jax Joseph Nilon.
In a sneak peek from “The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills,” Jax Joseph Nilon is requeste to take some flowers from a table for his mother’s birthday. Erika Jayne, a co-star, singer, television personality, and former actress, cursed at him as he approached the table.
Jax After clutching the flowers in disbelief, Joseph Nilon hurriedly went to tell his mother about the awkward encounter. Because of the interaction, Garcelle Beauvais went to Erika Jayne to apologize for “hurting Jax’s feelings.”
Jayne astonishing that her comments offended the family when she is confronted. Beauvais thanked her sons for their respect on Instagram after the incident. She uttered:
“I’d want to thank my sons Oliver, Jax, and Jaid with this post. You guys are so admirable. You are respectful, loving, and compassionate. Even when they don’t deserve it, you still treat them with respect. Respect is a reflection of you, not of the other person.
One of Beauvais’ three sons is named Jax. The actress, who had long dreamed of having children, attributed her success to her boys. You can learn all about Jax right here.
JAX Joseph Nilon: WHO IS HE?
Jaid Thomas and Jax Joseph, a pair of fraternal twins, were born in Beauvais on October 18, 2007, at the age of 41. She admitted that because she had a fibroid operation and struggled with infertility, she was rather anxious the entire time she was pregnant.

She struggled with infertility for five years, suffering three miscarriages and an unsuccessful IVF procedure. Despite their disappointment, they made the decision to try again, and the second attempt at in-vitro fertilization resulted in the boys.
Beauvais, who desired a girl for her second child, experienced complications during her pregnancy and underwent a Caesarean surgery at 34 weeks due to indicators of preeclampsia, no protein in her urine, and high blood pressure. But, she added:
“I was overjoyed to get them out early.”
The boys’ personalities changed as they grew older and became more like their parents. Jax is friendlier and would make friends with anyone right away, according to Beauvais.
As they grew older, Beauvais kept them occupied by enrolling them in swim, karate, and soccer lessons because their exuberance made her happy, even on the days when they drove her crazy.
Now that Jax is older, he enjoys music, traveling, and spending time with his mother and brother. His Instagram handle states that he enjoys playing volleyball, hanging out with friends, and that he graduated from the eighth grade in June 2022.
The actress enjoys spending time at home with her sons. In 2014, Beauvais released the children’s book series “I Am Living in 2 Homes,” which is based on the experiences of her mixed-race twins, who alternated between two homes.

Besides Jax, Beauvais has two sons. When she married to Daniel Saunders, she gave birth to Oliver Saunders, her oldest son. She met Daniel while modeling in New York, and they married two months later.
He is an artist who performs hip-hop, writes songs, and hosts the podcast #BiggerThanUS. Oliver, who is married with two kids, is also connected to Lisa Vanderpump’s “The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills” and her Las Vegas cocktail bar.
JAX Joseph Nilon’s parents are who?

Producer and manager Jax’s dad is well known for “Braven,” “The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent,” and “Left Behind.” Additionally, he is distantly related to Bill Murray.
Actress and former model, his mother. Her acting credits include “The Jamie Foxx Show,” “Coming 2 America,” “NYPD Blue,” “Wild Wild West,” “Merry Happy Whatever,” and “Spider-Man: Homecoming.”
Although they have different interests, Jaid and Jax are her third child. Jaid likes it when his mother plays recordings of him playing. He appears there to concentrate on his games, but he also joins her at prize ceremonies.
She had long been a Real Housewives fan before she made history by joining the cast. Beauvais made history as the first black housewife on “The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.”
Michael and Beauvais wed on May 12, 2001. Their divorce was finalized on April 1, 2011. When they get married she claims they are “sort of like the Hollywood couple”.
She had long been a Real Housewives fan before she made history by joining the cast. Beauvais made history as the first black housewife on “The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.”
Unfortunately, Beauvais found out Michael had been cheating on her for five years when she inquired about his phone in 2010. She declared she was divorcing in May 2010
“Mike was trustworthy. He was charming. I genuinely believed that this was my last stop.
The fact that Beauvais had to discuss her divorce on national television made her unhappy. Even though it was awkward, she understood that it was part of being a star. She uttered:
When you’ve worked so hard to get away from it, it’s not a place you really want to return to mentally. In order to benefit the boys, Mike and I have done a terrific job co-parenting and separating.
She continued by saying that because they had worked so hard to get to this point and because they co-parent so admirably. She hoped that nothing would change for them because, whether they were married or not, they were still family.
Despite her struggles as a mother, GARCELLE Beauvais is proud of her children

Beauvais claimed that she felt less stressed after having her twins than she had Oliver. She explained that Oliver was born at a time when her career was just beginning and she was young and insecure.
Beauvais assumed the reason she is so composed when friends visited her and commented on how she is not a first-time mom and that older made it much easier mentally. She claimed that despite the twins being of mixed ethnicity, a stranger had once mistaken her for their nanny. According to Beauvais, the stranger was
She spoke to me in Spanish, and when I apologized that I didn’t speak the language, she responded, “You’d make more money if you spoke Spanish.”
She claimed that despite the twins being of mixed ethnicity, a stranger had once mistaken her for their nanny. According to Beauvais, the stranger was
She spoke to me in Spanish, and when I apologized that I didn’t speak the language, she responded, “You’d make more money if you spoke Spanish.”
Beauvais didn’t know what was going on because she thought the stranger was discussing an acting role. The actress questioned whether Telemundo was paying well and considered that, given her position, she would need to learn Spanish.